Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I found this writing exercise thanks to Mommy going crazy.
Give it a try. Here's mine.

Where I am from

I am from cornfields reaching to the sky,
From lemonade glasses and front porch swings with rusted chains.
I am from the fresh cut grass, bee pollen and a tire swing on an old apple tree.
I am from BBQ's and lazy late night conversations,

From William the brave and Georgia the wise.
I am from the stubborn headed, the kind hearted and blood sweat and tears workers of the east.
From merry go-rounds and fairy skies.
I am from Latter Day Saints preparing for the day.
I'm from the Chesapeakes winding isles,
steamed crabs and pumpkin pie.
From a brave soldier, waiting for his ship, and an angel at a high school dance.
I am from climbing rocks, balancing railroad tracks and treasure hunts in the snow.


Anonymous said...

That is so good! I am not sure I could do that! lol

And my pic, UGH. I thought it didn't even take to my website. LOL

Shannon said...

It is great!